我们在2023年11月27日致函给EFG银行及EFG国际,尋求理解EFG International 股票投资俱乐部是不是不是EFG银行或EFG国际所催生的WhatsApp群,结果有公司还成立了一个特别调查组,处理我们的询问,並在11月30日作出回复如下: 

此致 特别调查组 EFG银行和EFG国际对您可能遭受的任何财务损失概不负责。
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Thank you for your email.
From the information you’ve provided so far, we believe this is some kind of scam and these people are attempting to get money &/or information from you under false pretences. Can you please send us any information you may have received as attachments for us to investigate further.
In the meantime, please do not send them any information about yourself, copies of your ID or other personal information or your bank account details, as they may use these to try to steal your identity and do not send them any money.
If you have already sent them personal information, please advise the banks where you hold an account(s) and seek their guidance to ensure your accounts are not compromised. If you have already sent them any money, please report it to your local police.
Special Investigations Unit
Neither EFG Bank nor EFG International will be held responsible for any financial losses which you might incur.
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