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I happen to be in a whatsapp group led by a person called himself as John Lu.
I believed he is one of the scammers in town.
At the moment, he is inviting members to register an account with
After the registration, members are supposed to whatsapp their handphone number to the person in-charged so that she can do a recording and she will tell the members what to do next.
They are using this website to con the uninformed public.
John Lu invited members to open account with
pslus.com so that members can do pre market trading at a lower price and can sell at the opening at a higher price, thus making a handsome profit.
I have enclosed the screen shot on pre market trade as promoted by John Lu for your attention I hope Bursa Malaysia as an responsible and authoritative exchange can issue a public statement to clarify this issue on pre market trade so that the scammers could not mislead the new investors or uninformed investors on this issue.
Scammers have set up many whatsapp groups to promote these activities to fool the uninformed public.
I hope quick and stern action could be taken on these scammers group.
* * * * * *中文翻译如下 * * * * * *
我在一個由一個自稱為John Lu的人領導的Whatsapp群組中。
John Lu邀請成員在pslus.com開立帳戶,以便成員可以以較低的價格進行盤前交易,並在開盤時以較高的價格沽出,從而獲得可觀的利潤。
我已附上John Lu宣傳的盤前交易的截圖供您關注。

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大马股票交易所的复函原文及翻译版如下:Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Please be informed that the information you have provided is not authorised or listed on Bursa Malaysia.
Please be an alert investor. Stay safe and protect your investments.
Thank you and have a good day.
Bursa 2U
Bursa Malaysia Berhad
Our Ref: CAS-29488-Z6K4C1
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翻译中文如下 * * * * * * 请注意,您所提供的信息在马来西亚交易所(Bursa Malaysia)未经授权或列入名册。
KC GOH Letter to Bursa Malaysia 吴老师写给大马交易所的信 |
大马交易所的回复 Replies from Bursa Malaysia |